martes, 7 de junio de 2011

The last session blog! =)

My point of view...

My personal experience with the english class and its blog sessions has been nice, interesting and helpful. At first, I thought I could never be able to learn english because it's very difficult and I didn't have a good level of english during high school.

However, this english course has a new learning methodology, which makes it easier to write, read and translate into english. Because of this, I have felt more comfortable within the class, especially when writing, but still I feel ashamed when talking in front of the class, because I don't think I have a good pronunciation. I think that will get better as the time passes by. I hope I can travel abroad soon, so I can learn more.

Blog sessions have helped me a lot to know more words and have a more extended vocabulary, this is really helpful when we have to read articles or books for the university or whatever. The bad thing about these blog sessions might be that we only practise the reading and writing part, when there are other areas that are important too: like speaking and listening. But we do that on Monday classes, when we try to speak in front of the whole class. This way, both classes complement each other turning them both into an only integral class. Lastly, I think that students should propose their own topics for their blogs, to make them participate, and let them write about what they think it's interesting and that is COOL!